
Diablo 3 puzzle ring changes
Diablo 3 puzzle ring changes

diablo 3 puzzle ring changes

But if you do that, you increase the chances of Greed killing you, and the amount of area damage and charges she can do can kill a player in one hit on higher Torment difficulties. So for a more lucrative Treasure Haul, you have to take it easy on Greed and focus more of your efforts on killing the Goblins. If you go full bore after Greed and kill her as fast as you can, then there will be fewer Treasure Goblins spawning during the fight for you to kill, and once Greed dies, any surviving Treasure Goblins will escape and take all of the loot they have on them with them. That demon is Greed herself, and not only is she no pushover but you often find yourself in a quandry while fighting her. When you place the Puzzle Ring in Kanai’s Cube, you can use it to open a portal to this vast and amazing realm full of loot.īut beware - while most of the Demons in the Realm of Greed are minor nuisances at best and slight inconveniences at worst, there’s one demon there who will provide more of a challenge. It opens a portal to the Realm of Greed, also known as the Treasure Realm, also known as so much loot everyone kill all the goblins take all the loot loot loot you will turn into Daffy Duck in that one episode with the treasure cave it’s exactly like that. When disenchanted in Kanai’s Cube and only in Kanai’s Cube, do not break it down at the Blacksmith the ring has another, much more interesting ability.

diablo 3 puzzle ring changes diablo 3 puzzle ring changes

Because it turns out there’s actually a very good reason to use the ring inside Kanai’s Cube, and it’s not to apply the power to your jewelry slot, either. Not a power you’d want to use in Kanai’s Cube or otherwise go out of your way to get, right? Well, yes… but that doesn’t mean you don’t want the Puzzle Ring. In addition to vacuuming all the white items, it will randomly drop an uncommon, rare or even sometimes legendary item for every 12 to 16 normal quality items (aka vendor trash, aka your crafting materials component parts) that it picks up. While equipped, the ring provides you with a random Treasure Goblin who will run around picking up all the white quality vendor trash so you don’t have to. It’s simple, because a Puzzle Ring is a random loot drop legendary ring. What is a Puzzle Ring? Why do you want one for your character when you’re playing Diablo 3? Well the answer is both simple and complicated.

Diablo 3 puzzle ring changes